
Friday, October 29, 2010

World War Women - Rosie the Riveter

World War Two Women - Rosie the Riveter

All the day long,
Whether rain or shine
She’s part of the assembly line.
She’s making history,
Working for victory
Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter has become a real cultural icon of the United States,  Norman Rockwells recruitment poster unashamedly copying from soviet posters of the same period. American women who were not in the military turned up in their millions to do their bit for the war effort. Many worked in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and war supplies. Others took over vital jobs in postal services,including flying across country [ there were many women aviators who also headed over to Britain to fly for the RAF : more on those ladies in a later post ]

Rosie the Riveter quickly became a nickname for women working WW2 and is often used as a feminist icon. Sadly when the men returned after the war, it was back into the kitchen for the women again, but not for long!
Back in 2002, Norman Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter painting was auctioned by Sotheby's for nearly $5 million.And now some top class tutorials to get the Rosie look, starting with the amazing Lisa FreemontStreet

The Real Rosie Look ! - Lisa Freemont Street

The Rosie the Riveter look - Beyonce

 Rosie the Riveter Makeup Look

World War Fashion

Visit : World War Two Glamour

Also - 1940's Fashion - Women serving in the war.
And what happended to women after the war ? Check out A 1940's Housewifes Daily Routine.

1940s fashion was hugely influenced by World War Two. So much so that no one can discuss this decade's fashion without talking about the war. Women cut many corners to stay glamourous, and as many women took over the mens jobs, fashion changed to accomodate.
Womens trousers became the norm. Hair was tied up and turbans were all the rage. Even if a girl worked up to her glossed fingernails in grease and dirt,  it didnt stop her looking fabulous!
copyright Glamourdaze 2010 
For a freal feast of vintage fashion, hairstyles and makeup looks, all combined into a set of beautiful vintage fashion calendars, treat yourself to Vintage Fashion Calendars 2011 / 2012

Download Vintage Pin up Calendars


  1. Rose Rivet...what a great name!!

  2. i love that look. its cute for going to the beach or doing house chores! looking pretty while working! :D

  3. I LOVE Rosie! My grandma built B-24 Bombers during WWII! :)

  4. Only just found this blog - how glorious :)

  5. this was a great era love it!!!

  6. I tip my hat off to all the wonderful and beautiful Rosie's of America! God bless you ladies,
    Wishing you all the best!
    John aka TheFiddlah
