
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Amanda Lee - The new Redhead Queen !

 Move over Rita Hayworth - you're time is up !
Amanda Lee has turned red - albeit temporarily !
But we feel it's a look that Ms Lee should keep. The Jitterbug Doll has started 2012 off with a glamorous bang with this fabulous redhead look, matched with a dreamy peach and brown lace peasant blouse and skirt set [ a Christmas present from her parents ! ]


  1. Oh how beautiful!! I actualy just posted about how I was giving up red....which now seems inevitable and the right thing to do because Amanda Lee does, infact, reign supreme

  2. LOVE the new color! It suits you very well.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  3. She's adorable!Love the clothes and the hair so much:D

  4. I love her blog, and this look really suits her!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
