
Friday, February 3, 2012

1940's Make-up Guide - How to have lovelier lips

Nine Steps to achieving the Perfect 1940's Pout.

Excerpt from Make-up & Beauty - A 1940's Guide.

1. Never allow the lips to appear painted, irregular or poorly defined.

2. Never moisten the lips before the application of lip rouge, as this causes the rouge to roll and gives it a caked  appearance.
3. Always make the upper lip first. Then gently but firmly close the mouth, rolling the upper lip over the lower thus imprinting correct outline on the lower lip.

4.Apply lip rouge freely and remove excess by pressing and blotting with cleansing tissue. Repeat this until the tissue no longer takes an impresssion.

5.Never affect a small mouth, a tin lip line or a cupid bow. if lips are too full, don't make them up to the fullest extent if your mouth is of normal size and in correct proportion to the rest of the face, let it be clearly defined, carrying lipstick well into the corners and always remembering to keep the corners turned up slightly in order to preserve a smiling cast of countenance.
6.Never apply lip rouge heavily over a skin lesion or cold sore.

7.If you are a blonde with a light skin, never use dark lip rouge although you may do so if you are a light skinned brunette.

8.Don't use lip rouge and cheek rouge interchangeably. The color and texture of the lips and cheeks are different and the use of moist cheek rouge on the lips or lip rouge on the cheeks is bound to result in bad make-up.
9. Finally, to obtain a clear, well defined lip line, it is best to use a sable lipstick brush like the one pictured below.

  •  Text transcription - copyright Glamourdaze 2012
For a full set of tutorials on 1940's make-up styles as actually taught to women of that glamorous era, visit Vintage Make-up Guide.


  1. I need reminding of the proper steps to lip stick perfection,sometimes I rush it and take shortcuts and you never get the same results! Thanks, Sharon

  2. I remember seeing Mama put her "lips on" exactly like that. You do not even want to know how she did her mascara.

  3. #2 YES!!!! People always want to slather on goop before lipstick. Drives me nuts!

  4. Hello dear, absolutely lovely
