
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Artist - A tribute to the real silent screen divas

Glamourdaze's tribute to the original female stars of the Silent Screen era.


  1. It always amazes me that no matter how hard people try to look vintage in our day and age it still looks fake and costumey. Even the side by side above photo with Peppy Miller from the Artist you can tell Shes not the real deal....It's more than just re- creating make up and clothes nowadays ,it was a way of life back then you had it on the inside that certain VIBE u cant recapture that now .. In comparison, Nowadays It's like watching a movie where an American tries to sound british and it just sounds fake you can totaly tell ..(Close but no cigar!) Maybe that's why people are so into that Era because we can never truly 100% capture it again from the inside and make it authentic were all just copy cats now...Also women weren't covered in Tatts back then either another look that doesn't get How women were back then. women would have died first before doing such an un feminine thing and again why no one looks authentic these days and why everyone just copies everyone else ...

  2. I don't know why, but this combination of images and music makes me totally emotional.

  3. The more I can get of this type of post, the better.
