
Monday, August 30, 2010

1940's Fashion - A womans guide to Posture

Learn how to be glamourous, 1940's style with correct posture

Its interesting to remember that Pilates, now a hugely popular guide to posture was developed in the 1940's and named after Joseph Pilates.
Women of the 1940's simply had to master correct posture. There was no option.
Corset makers like Spencer did their bit to help, but there is no better alternative than simply learning how to stand, walk, and sit like a lady.

On our Youtube channel, Miss Ratherly Stern pops back in her time machine from the 1940's  with her advice on good posture.

Her finishing school for girls is a good example of what was considered important for women then. As antiquated as it appears, it's always worth grabbing the useful advice that was dished out to young women in the 1940's, as they still apply when it comes to being glamourous.

Also do visit Gerties new Blog for better Sewing, for her take on this subject


  1. Ohhh, Ms Stern, you're making me feel guilty for my terrible desk posture right now... :(

  2. fascinating post!!! and it's sad that the ideals of older times have totally been tossed to the wayside nowadays, no one pays attention to important matter such as good posture! it's a shame...

    feel free to check out my blog:

  3. oh my posture is so bad!

  4. Me too! My posture is usually quite terrible, apart from when the physio straps my back.

    And what about Stella, the world's champion speed typist! Fantastic title, if I ever do say.

  5. This is great! I have terrible posture! Love your blog!

  6. Did everyone else just feel themselves guiltily sit up straighter in their desk chair??? :)
    I so dig Ms Stern!!!

  7. Watching these videos suddenly make me want to sit up straight, excercise, eat healthier and so on. thankyou for posting this online so we can all be reminded of how a true lady should act everyday.

  8. Proper posture defines the real beauty of the dress.
