
Friday, November 5, 2010

The Powder Room - 1950's Makeup and style tips

1950's Fashion - Makeup Tips - GlamourDaze

The Powder Room
The sultry secretary style and makeup looks of the 1950's that Madmen Joan Holloway epitomizes is showcased in this beautiful original archive film from the 1950's . The whole film glows with that peaches and cream hue of the 1950's. These women would still turn heads today. That could be Peggy Olsen lighting a cigarette !
We see the women calmly touching up their makeup, nails, fixing hair and stockings in the powder room
while some old grouch, probably from accounts shakes his perplexed head.
It's a priceless snapshot of vintage 1950's womens fashion

 1950's make-up and Beauty Guides.

For the original 1950's look, you can download instantly these beautifully restored 1950s makeup and beauty guides.

 More images from The Powder Room

The real Peggy Olsen

" Did I file those TPS reports for Mr Halliday ??"

copyright Glamourdaze 2010
Other useful 1950's fashion links:


  1. What a find ! I love the color in this film. A real feminine pink hue throughout. " Women !! Hmmph !! "

  2. So glam and they even make smoking look cool.
    Jo xx

  3. You've received an award on my blog :)

  4. wow... God... I'm workin' on a fashion edditorial 'bout fifties fashion... And one pic. is in d powder room!

    Wonderful! Nice Hugs from spain!
